
Naša Simona se je na podlagi 11 letnih izkušenj že marsikaj naučila, zato sedaj ponuja mentorstvo drugim podjetjem, ki razmišljajo o ustanovitvi svojega podjetja s pisarniškimi in računovodskimi storitvami..

Komu je namenjeno? 

  • Tistim, ki ustanavljajo svoje podjetje s pisarniškimi in računovodskimi storitvami in želijo imeti nekoga, ki je že bil na njihovem mestu in bi jim z veseljem pomagal
  • Tistim, ki razmišljajo o tem, da bi naredili preskok, vendar želijo o tem najprej poklepetati in razumeti prednosti in slabosti vsega tega

Paketna ponudba

79 €

na mesec

Zahtevajte svojo ponudbo

Pomoč podjetnikom!

  • Mentorstvo za vzpostavitev urejenega poslovanja in pri rokovanju s programom.
  • Se želite naučiti uspešno krmariti med zasebnim in poslovnim življenjem in ob tem še poskrbeti za zdrav življenski slog?

Zadovoljne stranke

Pogosta vprašanja

Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.

Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.

Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.

Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.


Izvedite več o nas in naših storitvah